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Why should I go to a classic car and motorcycle rally?
Our gatherings have multiple purposes:
first of all to raise funds to help children with severe neuromuscular diseases (this reason alone is worth the whole gathering) ...
To have fun
Gather friends, enthusiasts, families
Create new acquaintances and friendships
See never-before-seen works of art on wheels
Learn about activities and services
Advertise your business
Relive childhood or past moments
My wife gets bored at rallies
Our rallies are not static car exhibitions, but fairs, during which there are shops, activities, stalls, shows, dances, songs ... laps! Even non-motorsport lovers will have fun!
I have children, where do I put them? - Kids don't like engines
In our gatherings a children's area is set up, guarded, with inflatables, games, entertainment, shows, dances, funny characters, even mini gatherings dedicated to them ... in which they can have fun, play ball or any other game, not feel cut out out and meet other children!
I have no vintage cars or motorbikes ...
Our rallies are open to registrations for vintage vehicles, but accessible to everyone! Even on foot! And if you want to take a tour, we'll take you there! :)
I do not have money
All our rallies are completely free and offer various gifts to registered owners of vintage vehicles!
Why should I come and see old cars / motorbikes?
They are not old, but vintage! Even the most skeptical, the least passionate, will remember when his grandfather took him around, in the south on holidays with the cassette player in 128, listening to Celentano or Cutugno ... When he accompanied him to school with the 500 ... It will be like entering a a time machine. It will be possible go back even for a moment in the past, feeling like a child again, carefree and smiling. Anyone, man, woman, child, whether passionate or not, smiles in front of beautiful curvy and colorful cars / motorbikes!
The sentence of the day will be "Dad / Mom, look how beautiful!"
Why should i have a vintage car / motorcycle?
To be able to register for our gatherings! ;-)
With a relatively low investment you can be guaranteed to be on a piece of history every day
Speaking of investment, it is practically impossible for them to lose value, indeed, they almost always increase over time (so, if one day you want resell them, you will recover not only all the money invested, but also an added value)
Being almost or completely devoid of electronics, they can also be repaired and restored by themselves and / or at low cost, without resorting to expensive equipment
Every time you have to get on it, to go to a place, you do not puff because you have to drive ... but you are happy, because it is an emotion every time
Every part of the car you feel becomes part of your body, vibrations, steering wheel, brakes, engine ... you feel them! And you understand that what you are driving you are really driving it and it has a soul.
Yours makes the difference, parked among the others
You will feel love for her
THE costs insurance and stamp duty are lower than those of a moped!
Statistically, at least once a day there is someone who points at you with a smirk
Automatically change name e you immediately become "that of the one turbo / 112 bad / 500 black ...."
It becomes an integral part of your life for you and your family, even deserves a place of honor with a photo in the family album!
By eliminating one of the many harmful vices such as smoking and saving that money within a year you can buy it, gaining health and without having touched any other money 4.60 x365 = 1679 ....
Come faccio a non perdermi gli avvisi dei raduni?
Metodi aggiornati il 02/10/22 (possono essere soggetti a modifiche i siti e le app)
Molti ci chiedono come ricevere le notifiche dei raduni, degli eventi, essere avvertiti. Ci sono diversi metodi, ma sicuramente i due più efficaci sono
Diventa membro del nostro sito, un nostro iscritto
l'iscrizione ad un prossimo Raduno, dal nostro sito
l'attivazione delle notifiche della Pagina Facebook.
Noi consigliamo entrambi i metodi, per non perdersi nessun nostro Raduno.
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Iscrizione ad un Raduno
Iscriversi ad un nostro raduno è molto semplice: è sufficiente andare nella sezione Raduni del sito (da pc o smartphone)
Dopodiché selezionare i dettagli del prossimo raduno e premere sul tasto Iscriviti. Inserendo correttamente tutti i tuoi dati (in particolar modo numero di cellulare e mail), riceverai tutte le mail di avviso in merito ai prossimi grandi eventi. Inoltre potrai scegliere di essere inserito nei gruppi Telegram e WhatsApp, nei quali si viene aggiornanti in tempo reale sulle posizioni degli eventi, delle colazioni, degli aperitivi e di tutti i piccoli eventi.
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